Our eco-responsible approach in Bordeaux
Find all our commitments in laundry and delivery
We favor soft modes of transport
To limit our impact on carbon emissions, we have chosen to favor soft modes of transport. We carry out in Bordeaux 100% of our orders by electric bike.
We use ecocert certified detergent
For washing clothes, we have chosen to offer Ecocert certified detergent. This means that they are ecological detergents made from vegetable origin without GMOs and without dyes.
We have banned the use of disposable packaging
We no longer want to see tons of plastic waste piling up after every order washed. This is why we only use reusable bags for the collection and delivery of orders.
We only print when necessary
In order not to print and use paper for nothing, we have decided to dematerialize our entire commercial process. All our quotes and invoices are sent by email. They are printed only when necessary with the customer’s request.
Sorting of waste
We sort our waste
Even if we have eliminated disposable packaging, we generate waste like any citizen. To enable efficient recycling, we sort all our waste.
Delicate maintenance
We take care of your clothes to increase their lifespan
The creation and sale of clothing is a source of pollution that we tend to neglect. It is for this reason that the Comptoir de La Laverie uses ecological detergents and encourages its customers to choose low washing temperatures, for better linen care.
We come to work by bike
We want to act at work but also in our daily lives. This is why our collaborators always favor when possible, the use of the bicycle to come to work at the laundromat.
We can do better

Even though we have built our home laundry service with an eco-responsible approach, we know that we can always do better. Producing less energy, raising awareness among our customers, working only with partners who care about the environment… If we are progressing it is also thanks to you. So if you have any ideas, questions or advice, don’t hesitate to contact us!